Labels:text | font | paper | publication | black and white | screenshot | document OCR: rected to a single spot and the blurred and noisy streatn of secondary electrons is recorded, then the to ground one of the outputs during a write oper- signal bandwidth is limited to a few megahertz [14]. ation. This saves sotne space but causes a signif- icant short-circuit curing every change of a bit. While such a bandwidth tnight just be sufficient for observing a single signal line in a 3.5 MHz smart- There are numerous other effects. During careful card, it is too low to observe an entire bus with a security reviews of processor designs it is often nec- sample frequency of several megahertz for each line. essary to perform detailed analog simulations and EBTs are very convenient attack tools if the clock tests and it is not sufficient to just study a digital frequency of the observe ...